A simple way to stop Divi from overwriting your CSS rules on element and shortcodes using SASS and the parent reference.
Category: WordPress
What is a Wordpress staging environment, why do you need it and how you can easily set it up? Providing some tips and things to keep in mind while doing it.
A list with things that you should check before going live with a WordPress site. The production version needs an extra revision before going live.
Create multiple WordPress Custom Post Types easily. Step by step guide on creating Custom Post Types in a more organized and dynamic way.
Here is a list of WordPress speed optimization tools that you can use to improve your site. Talking about cache, minify/combine, image optimization, etc.
Here is a list of WordPress speed optimization tools that you can use to test your site. Talking a bit about PageSpeed Insights, GTMerix, Chrome Audit, etc.
Our first plugin in the WordPress repository: Code Snippet DM. A simple plugin that allows you to display code inside your content in a stylish way.
Find a list of the most used WordPress plugins in our projects. Creating projects on a daily basis made us aware of some “must have” WordPress plugins that you need when starting a project from scratch.
What is GDPR and how will affect your website and future projects? Here you can find info on how to make your WordPress GDPR compliant and help you develop GDPR compliant projects in the future.